Espressioni che usano il verbo "stare" - Expressions using the verb "STARE"
stare in piedi --> to be standing
stare fuori --> to be outside
stare attento/a/i/e --> to pay attention
stare calmo --> to keep calm
stare coi piedi per terra --> to stay down to earth
stare bene/male --> to be well/not well
stare zitto/a/i/e --> to keep quiet
stare fresco --> to be mistaken (or kidding oneself)
starsene da parte --> to stand aside, to be on one side
stare su --> to stand (sit) up straight
stare a cuore --> to matter, to have at heart
stare con (1) --> to have a relationship with,
stare con (2) --> to be on the side of
stare in guardia --> to be on one's guard
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